Ben Gross, Staff Writer

Ben Gross

Ben Gross

Staff Writer

Ben Gross portrait

For more than 30 years, Ben has been helping organizations raise awareness and inspire action by creating compelling narratives. And since 2018, Ben has been the Maryland Food Bank’s Staff Writer, elevating the voices of food-insecure neighbors to further the Maryland Food Bank’s mission of feeding people, strengthening communities, and ending hunger for more Marylanders.

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Latest Content by Ben Gross

February 10, 2025

The Challenges of Child Hunger

We hear regular stories about how families are fighting child hunger, trying to get good, nutritious food for their children. Beyond anecdotes, those stories are supported by data sourced by our Learning, Measurement & Evaluation team that help us understand the broad impacts of childhood hunger and craft more impactful solutions.

January 31, 2025

Q&A with Dawn Glover, founder of Community Partner Gabrielle’s Place

Since 2020, Dawn Glover has been helping neighbors escape the stubborn grip of poverty through a holistic program that starts with food to help in the short term. Additional wraparound services like skill-building and job training, financial and social education, and counseling help people in her community stabilize and thrive in the long term.

January 29, 2025

Partner Profile: Black Yield Institute

Since 2015, the Black Yield Institute (BYI) has been working to change the narrative on black land ownership and food sovereignty in Maryland. The Maryland Food Bank is proud to partner with BYI to help chip away at the systems and policies that have historically affected communities of color, creating a more equitable food system in our state.

December 31, 2024

Resolving to Help Neighbors in Need

This year, resolve to help your neighbors in need! The Maryland Food Bank offers many different ways to support our programs that are expanding access to nutritious food while opening pathways out of hunger for more Marylanders.

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