Cause Marketing | Maryland Food Bank

Cause Marketing

Reaching our vision of a world without hunger is a collaborative, community effort. The generous support of cause marketing partners allows us to serve more Marylanders and accelerate our efforts to address the root causes of hunger.

There’s never been a better time to align your brand with Maryland Food Bank. Benefits of cause marketing campaigns include increased brand visibility, greater customer retention, and stronger consumer loyalty.

Read more about becoming a cause marketing partner of Maryland Food Bank. Submit your partnership request below.

Cause Marketing Guidelines

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Participating in a cause marketing campaign with the Maryland Food Bank is a great way for businesses to help feed food insecure Marylanders while increasing sales, visibility and customer loyalty.

Cause marketing (or cause-related marketing) is a marketing relationship between a company and a nonprofit organization that raises money for the non-profit while promoting a product, service, or event from that company.

Please take a moment to review our cause marketing guidelines to determine if participating in a campaign with the Maryland Food Bank will help you meet your business objectives.

Cause Marketing Guidelines

  1. Any campaign must fit with the Maryland Food Bank’s mission and reflect positively on the organization.
  2. All businesses engaging in a Cause Related Marketing Campaign must sign a Cause Marketing Agreement that clarifies the campaign, goals and action items.
  3. Upon receipt of the signed Cause Marketing Agreement, the Maryland Food Bank will authorize the company to use the MFB logo and name. All rights, title and interest in the marks of the food bank name and logo shall at all times remain with the MarylandFood Bank. All promotional material must be submitted to the Maryland Food Bank for approval prior to promotion of the event/campaign.
  4. All cause marketing relationships must meet the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance’s Standards and be in compliance with the law. In particular, BBB Standard 19 requires that all advertisements, displays and promotional materials related to a cause marketing relationship clearly disclose in clear and unambiguous terms how the non-profit benefits from the sale of product, event or services. Such promotions, advertisements and displays should disclose: (1) the actual or anticipated portion of the purchase price that will benefit the charity; (2) the duration of the campaign; and (3) any maximum or guaranteed minimum contribution amount. Disclosures stating only that the non-profit will receive “proceeds”, “profits”, “net proceeds” or some other general financial benefit as a result of sales will not meet this standard.
  5. In connection with all cause marketing promotions benefitting MFB, we require partners to help us raise awareness and educate the public about our mission. We ask all partners to publish MFB’s website ( on all partner promotions, events, marketing packaging and related advertising materials.
  6. The Maryland Food Bank assumes no responsibility or liability for cause marketing promotions or events run by third parties. This includes: fulfilling sponsorship requests, refunds due to cancellations, paying or providing invoices, and/or providing special event or liquor licenses.
  7. The Maryland Food Bank cannot assume responsibility for online ticket sales through its website. We suggest cause marketing partners use an online service such as
  8. The Maryland Food Bank will not assume responsibility for soliciting or collecting sponsorship fees for cause marketing events/promotions run by a third party.
  9. The Maryland Food Bank is not responsible for obtaining licenses or attending planning meetings for third party events.
  10. The Maryland Food Bank does not rent, sell or share its internal list of donors, sponsors, volunteers, board of trustees or staff.
  11. Per IRS guidelines, the Maryland Food Bank cannot “endorse” the sponsor’s brand/product or event or provide a call to action that causes financial benefits to the sponsors.
  12. Staff and/or volunteer presence at an event is not guaranteed and is determined on a case-by-case basis, which may be related to revenue and/or exposure.
  13. All donations must be made within 8 weeks of the completion of the promotion.
  14. To ensure that all cause marketing promotions benefitting MFB are consistent with best practices, MFB recommends a guaranteed financial contribution of a minimum of $1,000 at the end of the campaign.

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More Ways to Fundraise

Sponsor a Community Event

Strengthen brand loyalty and awareness while supporting our mission.

Host a Virtual Food Drive

Like a traditional food drive, but much easier. Create your own in just a few clicks.


We welcome corporate groups to help sort or pack food.

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