Calling All Volunteers! | Maryland Food Bank
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Calling All Volunteers!

The Maryland Food Bank always needs volunteers, but that need is dire after the holidays when volunteerism typically declines—and we’re going to need your help as 2015 kicks off!

With donations pouring in from holiday food drives, the Maryland Food Bank currently has a lot of food in our Baltimore warehouse waiting to be sorted and packed. And we need your help!

You see, the Maryland Food Bank relies solely on volunteers to sort and pack the donated food in our warehouse—and when fewer volunteers come in to help, food leaves our warehouse more slowly. The need for volunteers is so great that what little food is processed in our warehouse goes back out the door within hours!

The good news is we have the food—we just need the manpower to make it available for distribution. And with innovative technology like the warehouse conveyor belt, groups of volunteers can sort and pack thousands of meals in just a few hours. Curious about what volunteering looks like? Kirsten Dize of ABC2 News recently captured some beautiful images for her photo series, A Day in the Life.

Whether you’re available during the workweek or on weekends, we need your help getting this food ready to distribute. Groups of 15 to 25 people are preferred, so grab some friends or colleagues and schedule a group session today!

Individual volunteers also have a big impact on our mission. Head to our volunteer page to download an application—just be sure to fill out the section meant for individuals.

Don’t live in the Baltimore metropolitan area? The Maryland Food Bank has branches in Hagerstown & Salisbury, and volunteer opportunities are available at these locations too!

5 thoughts on “Calling All Volunteers!

  1. My grandson Max Pflugrad and I would like to volunteer but it would have to be after school or a weekend. Let me know. Thanks John Pflugrad Tel. 410-879-0891

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