Hunger Action Month 2023: Neighbors Still Need You | Maryland Food Bank
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Hunger Action Month 2023: Neighbors Still Need You

Hunger Action Month is an annual, nationwide effort to deepen connections with our neighbors in need.

This September, Maryland families continue to face high food prices at local stores, making it difficult for many to make ends meet.

In fact, recent data shows that 35% of Marylanders surveyed said that they find it difficult to pay for usual household expenses.

And the more than 450,000 Maryland households that rely SNAP are still trying to recover from the February 2023 SNAP “cliff” (when extended pandemic benefits ended) where families’ saw an average reduction of $173/month—the equivalent of 45 meals!

From just these few statistics, it’s easy to see why people are being forced to make the tough choices, like paying for food or other bills on a frustratingly regular basis.

corporate volunteers standing behind tables of food boxes

Thankfully, Marylanders are not only aware of their neighbors’ struggles, but stand solidly behind them and want to see something done about it.

In our Public Perception Survey, nearly 80% of people surveyed recognized that “there are people that regularly go to bed hungry in Maryland because they can’t afford to buy food,” and 82% of people want the state to invest more in programs that address root cause solutions.

And if you’ve read this far, you probably share some of the same feelings about helping your neighbors in need.

Ways You Can Help During Hunger Action Month

There are lots of ways to turn that passion for your fellow Marylanders into actions that can really make a difference in peoples’ lives during Hunger Action Month (and all year long).


collecting donations at Orioles game


We’re committed to being here for any Marylander who finds themselves in need of food, and you can help us do that by volunteering.

We welcome individuals, groups, and families for a variety of tasks, including sorting and packing food, helping prepare meals in our community kitchen, and even gleaning fresh fruits and vegetables on Maryland farms.


Check out all the different ways you can volunteer


Speaker Jonelle Woodard among others in Annapolis


Learn more about MFB 3.0, our refreshed strategic plan, and our successful advocacy work in Annapolis, where we’re helping keep MFB’s “Three E’s” top of mind as legislators consider action that may have the greatest impact on the lives of our food-insecure neighbors:

  • Expand access to more locally grown fresh produce for food-insecure communities
  • Ensure that Marylanders can rely on a strong social safety net
  • Eliminate barriers to food security and economic stability for Maryland families


In 2023, these efforts resulted in the passing of two key bills that are already helping Maryland families by making certain pandemic-era relief efforts permanent:


See why advocacy is important


Fenly fundraising on a mobile phone

Host a Virtual Food Drive

Check out Fenly, our easy-to-use Virtual Food Drive platform, and showcase your particular passion for fighting hunger while simultaneously raising funds to support our work. But don’t stop there. Make sure to build momentum and funds by sharing it with your friends and family on social media.


Start a virtual food drive


And speaking of social media…


Helping spread the word about what food insecurity is really like in Maryland is a great way to participate in Hunger Action Month. You can post stories about how you help your neighbors in need or follow us and share our social media posts from Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and LinkedIn. Link out to Maryland Food Bank stories and videos or get creative and challenge your followers to get involved too!

And mark September 25 on your calendar to help us spread the word about our Grand Reopening!


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Without financial support from generous Marylanders, we simply would not be able to meet the need for food in regular times, let alone the unprecedented numbers we continue to see today.

You can become part of the movement now with a one-time gift, help us plan long-term by setting up a series of monthly donations, or even join the Hunger Action Council—a group of our most passionate and active supporters!


Donate now


Take Action Today

This Hunger Action Month, join us by learning more about hunger, it’s root causes, and how you can help make things better for the 1 in 3 Marylanders who still may face hunger this year.

Maryland continues to be one of the most expensive places to live, and ongoing high food prices are making things worse. With so many of us continuing to make difficult choices, Hunger Action Month is the time to act!

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