SNAP Outreach | Maryland Food Bank

SNAP Outreach

Making Food Assistance More Available

We help eligible Marylanders receive federal food assistance through SNAP, by going regularly visiting communities with people in need.
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What is the SNAP Outreach Program?

Formerly known as “food stamps,” SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the federal food-aid program that assists food-insecure Americans. Studies have shown that many eligible Marylanders forgo this form of food assistance due to lack of awareness of their eligibility, difficulty with the application process, and/or perceived social stigma.

Almost every weekday, the SNAP Outreach Team travels to strategically selected community centers, faith-based organizations, and residential housing facilities to help eligible Marylanders sign up for SNAP benefits.

We are authorized by the state’s Department of Social Services to act as a liaison in the SNAP application process, and arrive on site with the needed resources to simplify the application process of eligible Marylanders from start to finish, and send applications directly to government offices.

Why Should Eligible Marylanders Sign Up for SNAP Benefits?

Maryland has one of the highest costs of living of any state in the country, making it tough for many individuals and families to make ends meet. SNAP offers benefits to many groups:

  • Food-insecure Marylanders – SNAP provides supplemental nutrition to nearly 700,000 Marylanders in an average month. This includes working families, older adults, and other vulnerable Marylanders. SNAP benefits can ease some of the tough choices many households have to make, like deciding between food and housing, medicine, or bills
  • The Local Business Community – Every $1 distributed through the SNAP program has nearly double that economic impact on the local community, spreading the investment out to small businesses and food providers.
  • Communities Statewide – Food security can have a big impact on the stability of families and communities statewide, positively impacting health, safety, education, and our local economies.

Find Out If You’re Eligible for SNAP

Can you or your family benefit from SNAP benefits? Contact one of Maryland Food Bank’s SNAP Outreach coordinators today to learn about your eligibility!

Request the SNAP Team at Your Event

Would you like the Maryland Food Bank’s SNAP Outreach Team to come to your community? Fill out our request form to begin.

SNAP Outreach Flier

We can help connect your neighbors with Maryland benefits like SNAP, and other wraparound services.

Find Free Food Posters

Help make it easier for neighbors in your community to find free food with these 8.5 x 11” posters.

Central Maryland locations:
Find Free Food Poster (English)
Find Free Food Poster (Spanish)

Eastern Maryland locations:
Find Free Food Poster (English)
Find Free Food Poster (Spanish)

Workforce Development

The Maryland Food Bank has a vetted number of training opportunities that lead out of unemployment, and into good-paying careers in the workforce.

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