Ben Gross, Staff Writer

Ben Gross

Ben Gross

Staff Writer

Ben Gross portrait

For more than 30 years, Ben has been helping organizations raise awareness and inspire action by creating compelling narratives. And since 2018, Ben has been Maryland Food Bank’s Staff Writer, elevating the voices of food-insecure neighbors to further Maryland Food Bank’s mission of feeding people, strengthening communities, and ending hunger for more Marylanders.

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Latest Content by Ben Gross

January 3, 2019

Golden Years? Golden Rule. Senior Hunger in Western Maryland

While seniors face health challenges due to advanced age, many conditions are easily intensified by poor nutrition. Thankfully, seniors have people like you, dedicated Marylanders who are willing to step up and fight senior hunger, personifying the golden rule for neighbors who should be enjoying their golden years.

December 4, 2018

Why Donate? Danny & Donna Schaub

In the latest entry in an on-going series exploring the various reasons that people donate to the Maryland Food Bank, Danny & Donna Schaub share their response to the question “Why Donate?” which focuses on how one MFB program in particular matches with their beliefs

November 7, 2018

Pack to Give Back 2018: Holiday Meals for Hungry Marylanders

Countless holidays have been made a little bit brighter over the past ten years because of Pack to Give Back, the incredible partnership between corporate sponsors, volunteers, partner agencies, and the Maryland Food Bank. This year, we expect to pack more than 60,000 meals for hungry Marylanders.

July 14, 2018

We Are Maryland’s Food Bank

When we say “We Are Maryland’s Food Bank,” we truly mean we. Without your support we would not be able to provide healthy and nutritious food for Maryland’s children, seniors, members of the military, and working families who want to lead productive lives, free from the burden of hunger. We do this because food is a basic human right. We do this because we can remove some of the barriers to self-sufficiency by the act of providing food.

June 30, 2018

Nutrition Matters: Insights from Kathy Egan

Nutrition matters. It’s that simple. A diet that supplies the body with the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and allows people to achieve their full potential. In this series of blog posts, our resident nutritionist Kathy Egan (RDN, LD, MEd) will explore how the Maryland Food Bank is helping ensure that food-insecure Marylanders have consistent access to healthy foods and understand the importance of nutrition in their lives.

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