Ben Gross, Staff Writer

Ben Gross

Ben Gross

Staff Writer

Ben Gross portrait

For more than 30 years, Ben has been helping organizations raise awareness and inspire action by creating compelling narratives. And since 2018, Ben has been the Maryland Food Bank’s Staff Writer, elevating the voices of food-insecure neighbors to further the Maryland Food Bank’s mission of feeding people, strengthening communities, and ending hunger for more Marylanders.

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Latest Content by Ben Gross

June 11, 2018

Minding Child Hunger

At the Maryland Food Bank, we know that child hunger has a significant impact, but we are learning more and more about just how far-ranging and long-lasting that impact can be. When a child shows traditional signs of food insecurity — struggling to focus, lacking the energy to participate in recess or sports, or experiencing physical maladies — it’s easier to recognize and address. The psychological effects, however, tend to be more difficult to identify and may manifest in different ways at different times in life.

June 1, 2018

Senior Hunger in Maryland: A Growing Concern

Senior hunger touches far too many people in Maryland. From people living in senior communities to multi-generational living situations, more than 45,000 Marylanders experience food insecurity, and that number is on the rise.

May 25, 2018

MyPlate is Shaping the Way we Feed Children

MyPlate is the United States Department of Agriculture’s set of guidelines for helping kids establish healthy eating habits. The MyPlate model simplifies the “Food Pyramid” that many Americans grew up with into five food groups: vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy. All of our MFB Kids programs (Summer Clubs, Supper Clubs, School Pantries, and HEART Markets) follow the MyPlate guidelines to ensure that kids (and their families) are able to build a solid nutritional foundation, positioning them for success.

May 23, 2018

Combatting Military Hunger

Nationally, an estimated 325,000 active military members seek food assistance. Add in family members and veterans, and that number skyrockets. Members of the military make enough sacrifices already. Find out how the Maryland Food Bank and its partners are helping military families at places like Ft. Meade, Ft. Detrick, Aberdeen Proving Grounds and other communities where active military members and veterans live and work in Maryland.

April 22, 2018

Why Donate? Mitzi Perdue

In this second entry in an on-going series exploring the various reasons that people donate to the Maryland Food Bank, Mitzi Perdue shares her response to the question “Why Donate?” which focuses on one of the lesser known functions of the Maryland Food Bank.

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