Lindsay Machak | Maryland Food Bank

Lindsay Machak

Lindsay Machak

Latest Content by Lindsay Machak

June 19, 2017

5 Ways You Can Help End Summer Hunger

While we are grateful to our Summer Club partners, there is much more work to be done to reach the thousands of kids across the state who want to enjoy break without worrying about hunger.

April 24, 2017

Volunteer Appreciation Week 2017

Whether Maryland Food Bank volunteers are in school or retired, gleaning vegetables or sorting canned goods, we appreciate all of the work they do. In 2015, our volunteers contributed 34,000 hours of work to help the hungry across our state. In honor of Volunteer Appreciation Week, we are highlighting some of of our most dedicated volunteers from the last year.

April 21, 2017

Congrats FoodWorks Class 23 Graduates

On Friday, April 21, we celebrated the accomplishments of our 23rd graduating class from our culinary program FoodWorks. Eight graduates received ServSafe certification and job-readiness training. The ceremony was attended by family, friends, program partners and local officials.

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