Hunger ACTion Month 2024: Advocating, Collaborating, and Truth-telling

It’s Hunger Action Month 2024 – now is the time to to join us in thoughtfully and intentionally taking direct action supporting our neighbors in need!
Too many Maryland families and individuals continue to struggle to consistently put nutritious food on the table. In fact, recent data shows that 37.3% of Marylanders said they were struggling to pay their bills.
That’s why we need YOU to ACT.
Throughout Hunger ACTion Month the more of us that Advocate, Collaborate, and Truth-tell, the higher the chances of more of our neighbors thriving.
And we know that this effort is critically important to you. In our most recent Public Perception Survey, an overwhelming percentage of you told us that you want to see more state funding to address hunger (75%); and want the state to invest more in root cause solutions (82%), because you think that people regularly go to bed hungry due to a lack of resources (80%).
Here are the Top 3 Ways you can ACT in September:

Advocate and Feel Great!
Add your voice to the growing chorus of Marylanders working in the trenches—passionately wokring to dismantle the systems, policies, and practices that trap families in endless cycles of poverty and hunger—and be a real part of the change that we all want to see in our state.

Collaborate by Volunteering
The familiar saying “many hands make light work” is 100% true, and something we see in ACTion each and every day at the Maryland Food Bank as our volunteers collaborate on various projects. Whether your interest is working in the warehouse, Education Garden, kitchen, office, or even out in a farmer’s field gleaning fresh produce, we have lots of great volunteer opportunities for people of all ages, and abilities!

Truth-telling Through Stories
When we hear personal and true stories of challenges with hunger—like the ones brave Marylanders share with us everyday—we can start to understand what others are feeling, empathize with our neighbors in need, and recognize a desire to help make things better for all. Be a truth-teller, share your voice, and help inspire and motivate others to act!
While we’ve shared the Top 3, there are lots of ways you can get involved during Hunger ACTion Month! In addition to becoming an advocate, volunteering, and sharing your story—you can help influence others by spreading the word about Hunger Action Month on social media, your website, podcast, or blog!
ACTing in Partnership
No matter how you choose to demand change this Hunger Action Month, THANK YOU! You are exactly the kind of caring and passionate Marylander that can really help bring about change in our state, and we appreciate you!
And if you represent an organization that feels allied with the Maryland Food Bank’s mission of feeding people, strengthening communities, and ending hunger for more Marylanders, learn about the different ways you can partner with the Maryland Food Bank to make things better for us all.

About The Author
Ben Gross
For more than 30 years, Ben has been helping organizations raise awareness and inspire action by creating compelling narratives. And since 2018, Ben has been the Maryland Food Bank's Staff Writer, elevating the voices of food-insecure neighbors to further the Maryland Food Bank's mission of feeding people, strengthening communities, and ending hunger for more Marylanders.