Introducing VolunteerHub

This week, the Maryland Food Bank officially unveiled VolunteerHub, our new online volunteer portal that makes it easier than ever to manage your volunteer experience at the main headquarters.
Looking to Volunteer for a Worthy Cause in 2017?
The Maryland Food Bank has made it easy to help you achieve your New Year’s resolution.
With the introduction of VolunteerHub, adult individuals, adult groups, and youth volunteers can now go online to schedule shifts days, weeks, even months in advance, giving you the time and structure needed to work charitable activities into your busy life.
“This new tool will be a valuable resource for all of our volunteers looking to contribute their time to the food bank,” said Thomas Higdon, volunteer program manager in Baltimore. “In the past, volunteers would need to contact me during operating hours to schedule shifts in our facility, but now they can log on to this portal and manage every aspect of their shift on their own time.”
Volunteers can review upcoming opportunities in the food bank’s warehouse, kitchen, and office via an interactive calendar and from there, sign up for new shifts, cancel existing shifts, track hours, and even update interests and preferences.
“The new portal will allow volunteers to take more control of their experience,” Higdon explained. “We’ve worked hard to ensure every minute of your time spent at the food bank is put to good use, and now, you’ll be able to save even more time when it comes to coordinating your visit.”
Check out VolunteerHub and schedule your shift today by clicking one of the volunteer registration buttons on our Volunteer web page.
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