Food Distribution Archives | Page 10 of 13 | Maryland Food Bank

Blog - Food Distribution

School Pantry Power: How Belmont Elementary Cares for the Community

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May 26, 2020

FoodWorks’ Virtual Classroom in an Era of Distance Learning

Though nothing could have prepared FoodWorks’ new Executive Chef for the changes to institutional learning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chef Monique “Moe” Jordan has adapted to unprecedented challenges continuing culinary instruction online as the program celebrates ten years of operations.

April 30, 2020

Figuring Out Feeding During COVID-19: Henderson-Hopkins

COVID-19 may be affecting traditional food assistance programs, but it hasn’t changed the passion, dedication, and commitment that the Henderson-Hopkins school is showing it’s community by offering safe drive-through, walk-up, and home delivery food distribution options to their neighbors in need.

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