Food Distribution Archives | Page 11 of 13 | Maryland Food Bank

Blog - Food Distribution

School Pantry Power: How Belmont Elementary Cares for the Community

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December 9, 2019

A Closer Look at Hunger in Maryland (VIDEO)

Hunger impacts us all, and in very different ways. See who really is food insecure in Maryland and the ways the Maryland Food Bank and its partners are finding new solutions for our neighbors in need. You can help us provide more pathways out of hunger for more Marylanders.

November 8, 2019

Hunger: Statewide Issue, Local Solutions

The factors that lead to food insecurity in western Maryland are not always the same as they are in Baltimore city or on the Eastern Shore, so we’ve devised a regional approach to tailor programs that meet the needs of different communities more effectively.

October 17, 2019

The Path to 61 Million Pounds

To meet the current need of the more than 650,000 food-insecure Marylanders, we need to distribute more food annually and have a plan to grow from 45 million pounds to 61 million pounds through MFB 2.0

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