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Blog - Maryland Food Bank

Q&A with Dawn Glover, founder of Community Partner Gabrielle’s Place

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December 6, 2022

Granting our Network Partners the Ability to do More

Since 2019, the Maryland Food Bank’s grant programs have been expanding the capabilities of our statewide Network Partners, helping them provide food, and wraparound services that lead to pathways out of hunger for more Marylanders.

July 19, 2022

Meet the MFB Family: Darlene Johnson

Darlene Johnson is much more than MFB’s customer service representative — she’s the ever-smiling, always cheerful face of the food bank to representatives of its many community partners who visit the central warehouse’s Marketplace to pick up food for their pantries.

May 20, 2022

Holistic Help for Hunger’s Root Causes

A key part of MFB 3.0, our refreshed strategic plan, emphasizes expanding workforce development programs and partnerships that are crucial to not only Maryland’s continued recovery, but its long-term ability to thrive. Some of our Network Partners — including three that you’ll read about here — are already offering these wraparound services. Our Regional Program Directors are working every day to help more of our statewide partners form these kinds of beneficial relationships.

May 9, 2022

Feeding Mind, Body, and Spirit: Meet Nadine B. of East Baltimore

“It takes me back to when I was a child in the inner city where food was a lot scarcer. When your neighbor up the street couldn’t get out or had health issues, so you took what you had and shared with them. To me the food bank is that neighborhood, that village I grew up in. It lets me know that I’m not alone — lets me know that people still care for people.”

March 7, 2022

Guiding Our Evolution: The Strategy Group

MFB’s Strategy Group uses critical tools to enhance existing programs with new ideas and partnerships that expand food access and address the underlying causes of food insecurity for more Marylanders.

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