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Blog - Maryland Food Bank

Q&A with Dawn Glover, founder of Community Partner Gabrielle’s Place

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April 16, 2019

Food First: Expanding the Capacity of our Network Partners

The Food First Grant Program is designed to expand partner capacity, strengthening our network. The grant money will be used for a variety of capacity-building projects aimed at increasing the amount of food partners distribute, expanding their service hours, transporting and handling perishable foods, and providing additional services to help clients address the root causes of hunger.

April 1, 2019

Facing Hunger in Maryland: Dorothy Wilson

Facing Hunger in Maryland means different things to different people. For some, it’s dealing with the uncertainty of not knowing where their next meal will come from; for others, it’s trying to help their hungry neighbors in need. Then there are people like Dorothy Wilson, who has experienced both sides of facing hunger in Maryland.

March 4, 2019

Food Distribution: The Core of the Safety Net

It takes more than food to end hunger — this is our guiding philosophy as we take on our 40th anniversary and beyond. But food distribution will continue to be the foundation of the food bank until hunger ends in Maryland.

How do we distribute more than 102,000 meals a day?

February 1, 2019

How Advocacy Helps Hungry Marylanders

Advocacy is an important part of what the Maryland Food Bank does for the 665,420 Marylanders who don’t always know where their next meal will come from. If we don’t help amplify the voices of the children, seniors, veterans, hardworking families and individuals who rely on the food assistance safety net, who will?

November 7, 2018

Pack to Give Back 2018: Holiday Meals for Hungry Marylanders

Countless holidays have been made a little bit brighter over the past ten years because of Pack to Give Back, the incredible partnership between corporate sponsors, volunteers, partner agencies, and the Maryland Food Bank. This year, we expect to pack more than 60,000 meals for hungry Marylanders.

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