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Celebrating Agriculture, Honoring Maryland Farmers

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February 5, 2019

How the Government Shutdown Has Impacted SNAP Benefits

Although the shutdown may be suspended, Marylanders across the state are still feeling its lasting impact — including hundreds of thousands of seniors, families, and veterans who rely on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

If you are a SNAP recipient, please review our FAQs for information about your benefits.

February 1, 2019

How Advocacy Helps Hungry Marylanders

Advocacy is an important part of what the Maryland Food Bank does for the 665,420 Marylanders who don’t always know where their next meal will come from. If we don’t help amplify the voices of the children, seniors, veterans, hardworking families and individuals who rely on the food assistance safety net, who will?

December 4, 2018

Why Donate? Danny & Donna Schaub

In the latest entry in an on-going series exploring the various reasons that people donate to the Maryland Food Bank, Danny & Donna Schaub share their response to the question “Why Donate?” which focuses on how one MFB program in particular matches with their beliefs

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