Hunger in Western Maryland Archives | Maryland Food Bank

Blog - Hunger in Western Maryland

School Pantry Power: How Belmont Elementary Cares for the Community

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October 5, 2022

OCA Soul Haven Receives Outstanding Partner Award (VIDEO)

The “Outstanding Partner” award-winning OCA Soul Haven has been an MFB partner for more than two decades, serving the Hagerstown community. Soul Haven is a community beacon for neighbors facing challenges with mental health, addiction, and food insecurity.

November 8, 2019

Hunger: Statewide Issue, Local Solutions

The factors that lead to food insecurity in western Maryland are not always the same as they are in Baltimore city or on the Eastern Shore, so we’ve devised a regional approach to tailor programs that meet the needs of different communities more effectively.

July 18, 2019

Generation H

The underlying causes of hunger don’t magically disappear after high school, in fact, they can become even more challenging for college students.

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