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Q&A with Dawn Glover, founder of Community Partner Gabrielle’s Place

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May 1, 2015

Providing Steady Relief in Baltimore

After two days of emergency food distributions in the heart of Baltimore, the Maryland Food Bank wrapped up the work-week with yet another delivery of food into the West Baltimore community. While the food bank offices close on Saturday and Sunday, our operations team will be providing emergency hunger relief to communities in urgent need throughout the weekend.

March 18, 2015

Tackling the Problem of Food Waste

With the gradual shift toward conscious, sustainable treatment of food in our society, reducing food waste has become a focal point for legislators, scholars, and advocates alike. It’s a travesty that so much food goes to waste when so many are hungry, and the Maryland Food Bank has built fighting food waste into the way we work. Find out how we make the best of an inefficient food system.

February 24, 2015

Gleaning for Good

Though months have passed since Farm to Food Bank Program Coordinator Amy Cawley gleaned the last of the harvest season’s turnips, kale, collard greens, and cabbage from our farm partners’ fields, her work has not ended.

January 7, 2015

Calling All Volunteers!

The Maryland Food Bank always needs volunteers, but that need is dire after the holidays when volunteerism typically declines—and we’re going to need your help as we enter 2015!

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