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Blog - Maryland Food Bank

Celebrating Agriculture, Honoring Maryland Farmers

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August 6, 2021

Our Farm to Food Bank Program’s Superhero: Amy Cawley

Since 2011, Amy Cawley has overseen the Farm to Food Bank Program, which combines field gleanings, donations, and contract growing to form the cornerstone of the food bank’s nutrition strategy. She has helped the program grow from its humble roots with just two partners — First Fruits Farms in northern Baltimore County and Arnold Farms in northeastern Queen Anne’s County — into a powerhouse produce program with more than 60 farms that infuse our statewide food distribution efforts with hundreds of thousands of pounds of nutritious fruits and vegetables annually.

May 26, 2020

FoodWorks’ Virtual Classroom in an Era of Distance Learning

Though nothing could have prepared FoodWorks’ new Executive Chef for the changes to institutional learning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chef Monique “Moe” Jordan has adapted to unprecedented challenges continuing culinary instruction online as the program celebrates ten years of operations.

May 20, 2020

Mapping Out a Brighter Future

With our brand-new Maryland Hunger map, hunger can no longer hide in Maryland. Combining information gleaned from the United Way’s ALICE Report, US Census data, and other local data, we have the most accurate picture of hunger in our state ever. We use the Maryland Hunger Map to deliver the most impactful hunger solutions possible in local communities.

December 9, 2019

A Closer Look at Hunger in Maryland (VIDEO)

Hunger impacts us all, and in very different ways. See who really is food insecure in Maryland and the ways the Maryland Food Bank and its partners are finding new solutions for our neighbors in need. You can help us provide more pathways out of hunger for more Marylanders.

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