Nutrition Archives | Page 4 of 9 | Maryland Food Bank

Blog - Nutrition

School Pantry Power: How Belmont Elementary Cares for the Community

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March 7, 2022

Innovation & Inspiration: Meeting the Need

You recognized our ability to help get Maryland families through this crisis. The early support we received was incredible. It gave us the flexibility to innovate and develop solutions to keep food flowing into local communities and keep critical programs like FoodWorks running.

March 7, 2022

Guiding Our Evolution: The Strategy Group

MFB’s Strategy Group uses critical tools to enhance existing programs with new ideas and partnerships that expand food access and address the underlying causes of food insecurity for more Marylanders.

September 2, 2021

Transitioning Kids Back to School

As children across the state return to some form of schooling this school year, we remain committed to providing young Marylanders with access to the food and nutrition they need to succeed. While schools face many uncertainties this year, one thing is for certain – MFB’s steadfast belief that no child should go hungry will eclipse any potential challenges to feeding kids in need.

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