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Blog - Maryland Food Bank

Partner Profile: Black Yield Institute

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January 11, 2022

Hunger Happens in Maryland Every Day

Before COVID-19 really highlighted the issue of hunger in our state, you helped us feed some of Maryland’s more vulnerable populations, creating a partnership that not only lifted up these neighbors in need, but the entire state.

January 10, 2022

Transformative Change for our Partners and Their Communities

Your support allows us to strengthen local communities by providing our partners with the means to do more for their neighbors in need. Because of you, we can continue using grants as part of our strategy to invest in our network and ensure these partners are able to meet the day-to-day needs of hungry Marylanders.

August 6, 2021

Our Farm to Food Bank Program’s Superhero: Amy Cawley

Since 2011, Amy Cawley has overseen the Farm to Food Bank Program, which combines field gleanings, donations, and contract growing to form the cornerstone of the food bank’s nutrition strategy. She has helped the program grow from its humble roots with just two partners — First Fruits Farms in northern Baltimore County and Arnold Farms in northeastern Queen Anne’s County — into a powerhouse produce program with more than 60 farms that infuse our statewide food distribution efforts with hundreds of thousands of pounds of nutritious fruits and vegetables annually.

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