Maryland's Hunger-Fighting Community Archives | Page 14 of 38 | Maryland Food Bank

Blog - Maryland’s Hunger-Fighting Community

School Pantry Power: How Belmont Elementary Cares for the Community

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January 28, 2021

Experiencing the Stigma of Food Assistance for the First Time

A record number of Marylanders have been accessing our statewide food assistance safety net since the pandemic emerged, many for the first time. In this blog, two of our long-standing partners discuss the stigma surrounding food assistance and share how they help hungry Marylanders overcome it.

December 28, 2020

MFB’s Backbone: Innovative Donors Keep Us Moving

The pandemic is no match for the drive and determination of our donors. Individuals and families of all ages and walks of life have stepped up in a major way, doing what they can to help keep Marylanders fed during this difficult time.

December 24, 2020

Partner Spotlight: BACHS Healthcare

In preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday, Baltimore Area Community Health Services (BACHS) Healthcare, located in West Baltimore City, reached out to MFB in hopes of supplementing their mental health services with food assistance for their clients in need. The partnership resulted in successful food distribution events that brought joy and hope into the lives of food-insecure families, just in time for the holidays.

November 30, 2020

Boxing Up Hope for the Holidays

Every holiday season, MFB distributes special meal boxes complete with traditional holiday fixings and paired with a turkey to food-insecure families in need. This year as the pandemic makes it harder for more families to thrive and secure food, these holiday boxes are even more meaningful as they help bring some normalcy to an unprecedented year.

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