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Blog - Maryland Food Bank

Celebrating Agriculture, Honoring Maryland Farmers

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January 30, 2018

A Second Chance for FoodWorks Class 26

Our FoodWorks culinary training program not only provides job readiness skills to low-income students, but also supplies food-insecure Marylanders with nutritious meals. The graduates of this program — most of whom have overcome hurdles many of us can’t imagine — get a chance to uplift themselves, their families, and their communities. On Friday, January 26, we bid farewell to the 26th graduating class of FoodWorks in a special ceremony.  

January 9, 2018

Facing Hunger in Maryland: Barb

Hunger in Maryland can affect anyone. Families, senior citizens, and hardworking adults who have dedicated their lives to helping others. In this installment of Facing Hunger in Maryland, we meet Barb M., a former social worker, at her local food pantry.

November 30, 2017

Facing Hunger in Maryland: Victor

Senior citizens throughout Maryland often have to choose between the impossible — paying for medical care or buying groceries. And for many seniors, food often takes a back seat to ensure critical bills are paid. In this installment of Facing Hunger in Maryland, we meet with a food-insecure senior citizen on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Victor Chaia.

November 21, 2017

Facing Hunger in Maryland: Larry

The people facing hunger in Maryland are not always what you may expect. Hunger is everywhere — next door, at your child’s soccer game, the car next to you in traffic, even college campuses. In this series, we’ll introduce you to some individuals and families in Maryland, and show you the true faces of food insecurity.

November 14, 2017

Pack to Give Back Local: Through Carmen’s Eyes

Pack to Give Back Local is an annual series of Maryland Food Bank events that bring together community agencies and corporate partners to pack holiday meals in every county the food bank serves, ensuring a joyful holiday season for more than 12,000 Maryland families that might otherwise go without.

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